Vintage Violet

April 13, 2008

Vintage talk with south Jersey’s Carol Baker

Filed under: Profiles — by Bobbi Lee Hitchon @ 4:37 pm
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Southern NJ shore girl Carol Baker has a history with vintage. As the daughter of two antique collectors and dealers, it was almost serendipity that led her to open her online vintage clothing store, Dandelion Vintage, in 1997.

Today she ships vintage items all over the world from the center of her universe, southern New Jersey.

What first attracted you to vintage clothing?
I grew up around my parents collecting and dealing in antiques and going to flea markets. I started as a teenager, just looking for something different and cool to wear.

Can you remember your first experience with vintage clothes?

My mother used to buy Victorian clothing and baby clothing, so it’s just always been around
You opened your online store in 1997. What led you to selling vintage clothing?
I was fired from my last job in retail and spent my unemployed hours exploring the Internet for the first time. I came across someone selling vintage clothing and decided to add a page of vintage clothing to the crafts site that I was building. I sold items from my own closet that I had bought and horded over the years


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